The other day I was researching the word "BEAUTY." To my (not)surprise, most of the images that came up were those wearing makeup, a plethora of Caucasian women, and women with straight hair. I do not wear makeup, I am not caucasian and I do not have naturally straight hair. As a matter of fact, none of the women in my family have naturally straight hair. However, I know I am a beautiful black woman and I come from a looooong line of beautiful women. From one beautiful Queen to another, let me say If you are reading this and struggle to embrace your beauty, if you are tall, if you are short, if your hair is straight, if your hair is curly, if you are white, if you are black, please KNOW that your natural is BEAUTIful. Although you may not see your image in a "search," declare your natural beauty today and please make sure this is declared daily to your beautiful black princesses. We may not be able to change what we see in a search, but we can certainly change what they see in their hearts and mind. TrêsLife is proud to be a company that prides itself on helping men and women embrace their natural beauty. We use ingredients you can read and trust that will transform your hair in ways, you never could imagine. Join the movement today, and let us help you embrace your beauty because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!