What A Time We Had!

In addition to enjoying all of the amazing Queens in the room, it was my pleasure to chat with Curl Chemist (Cosmetic Chemist) Tonya Lane. If you’ve been apart of our healthy hair series you know we had an amazing curl chat, that has helped so many. Check out the video here.
Last but not least, it was great meeting and chatting with Tabitha Brown. If you were there, you know Tabitha's testimony truly was inspiring and encouraging to all of us. As a minority woman and CEO small business owner, I am truly inspired when I see any female striving, excelling, and giving back. So if you missed this event you missed a treat. Please make sure you have us added to your email contacts. We will be sharing some thunderously amazing news in the coming days and we want to make sure our VIP subscribers are the first to hear about it. So make sure you're subscribed and stay tuned!!!